If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.

If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you.

Just another piece of wisdom and advice from me!

Life has many ups and downs. It has high roads and low roads. The paths less taken or those well-traveled.

I’m here to say that this quote is 100% true because we only find ourselves when we push ourselves. If life came easy, we would not appreciate it nearly as much as we do when we are being challenged to persevere and move onwards. We build character in strength in those tough times. If life were easy, then what would be the point? God has a point in throwing hurdles at us… to see how we react, how we grow, what other great things were are capable of.

So, go out and do things that CHALLENGE you. Do something you’ve never done before. Do something that scares you and is adventurous. In the moments that you are challenged, you are changing. Life is all about pushing yourself to see what you are capable of!!

For example, I’m in the process of finding a teaching position for next year. The process is CHALLENGING but it is changing me because it’s teaching me patience and perseverance. Another thing is that I’m competing at Miss Wisconsin USA again this September. Talk about a CHALLENGE, both physically and mentally. It’s a lot to prepare for! It is definitely not easy, but it is changing me for the better in both enhancing my confidence and finding who I am.

I hope you can find some challenges that will change you for the better. We all face them throughout our lives, so don’t let them take you down but rather build you up!

xoxo Jackie

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