Jennifer Lopez Studded Heels in Blush

Jennifer Lopez Studded Heels in Blush

This is my review for a pair of heels I just recently purchased.

I have been looking for a comfortable, affordable, glamorous high heel… and I found it!

I purchased this pair of heels from Kohl’s on SALE for $25.99. What a steal! They are the perfect nude heel that I’ve been looking for. I cannot say enough how much I love this pair of shoes! They are extremely comfortable (I have wider feet and they fit perfectly). I purchased these shoes for the swimsuit competition that I will be competing in during Miss Wisconsin USA in one month.

I would rate this pair of heels 5 out of 5 stars. I’d highly recommend any girl out there looking for a cute pair of nude heels to buy these!

xoxo Jackie

True Beauty

True Beauty

“Beauty is the opposite of perfection– it’s about confidence, charisma and character.”

I stumbled upon this quote this past week and I find it very uplifting and wanted to share!

In this world, we all tend to want to be the prettiest or to be outwardly beautiful to others. But outward beauty is only skin deep… what truly matters is what is inside of you. When you are truly beautiful inside and out, that is when you have reached true beauty.

Perfection is something I think that we all strive towards… but we are never going to ever reach that utmost perfection. We can be the best version of ourselves possible, but that doesn’t mean we are perfect. It is important that we remember that it isn’t about fitting in and being perfect to others.. it’s about claiming yourself as being the best you can be, for you are the only you on this planet. That says something! We all have different features and personality traits that make us unique. OWN THAT! Once you do, you are you and that’s the best version you can be, then you have truly found your beauty.

Just some food for thought for this week 🙂

xoxo Jackie

Determination: Healthy vs. Obsession

Determination: Healthy vs. Obsession

Today’s post is going to be dedicated to determination… as well as some other random thoughts that go along with working out and wanting to be healthy.

Everyone in their life faces obstacles that they want to overcome… or things in their life that they want to perfect. In the last few months my biggest obstacle I believe has been staying determined in working out and eating healthier. I am doing things to better my health and my fitness, but I am not making my day and life revolve around it. It is not an obsession… unfortunately for some girls and women out there, it is.

Here’s the BIGGEST advice that I want everyone to remember: There’s a fine line between living an active and healthy lifestyle versus being too concerned about body image.

A majority of girls and young women out there have body image issues as well as problems with eating disorders. It’s not surprising because our society focuses so much on image and making sure girls in particular are toned, skinny, PERFECT. The truth is, NOBODY IS PERFECT. We can thank photo shop for the obscene thoughts that each of us carry in our heads, “I’ll never look like that swimsuit model!!” or “I need to start working out and eating better because I need to be really skinny.” This is where eating disorders and problems arise. We must take these things head on. Here is some more advice coming from a pageant girl who has to walk around stage in front of hundreds of people in a bikini and high heels:


It is okay to enjoy working out and eating healthy… it is what will keep you happy and healthy! We live in a society that revolves around a lot of fast foods and unhealthy options… as long as your work out and eating options are not an obsession with you constantly looking in the mirror at your body and “pouches of fat” that must be burned away with a 3 hour Insanity workout, then you are going to be fine. Like I said, living an active and healthy lifestyle is definitely okay as long as your mind and personal perception is in the right place.

I can say that I try to live an active lifestyle so I can be prepared for my Miss Wisconsin USA pageant in September… BUT it is not solely because I “NEED TO LOOK SKINNY AND TONED ON STAGE!”… it’s because I want to continue to treat my body like a temple. It is also because my mom has many health and medical issues that I believe working out and eating healthier will help to keep me from having these problems further on (like heart disease, cholesterol issues, high blood pressure, etc.). My mindset is in the right place: to better myself so I can live a long and healthy life. And to show others that I can have that mindset while not being the skinniest girl on that stage… I know that I won’t be by any means… but I love my body type and think I look just fine! What’s wrong with having an average body type? Absolutely nothing! In all honesty, being skin and bones does not attract me at all and it makes me want to throw a hamburger at these girls so they can put some meat on their bones!

This photo contains words of wisdom that is great for finding determination… but this photo also has parts that make me cringe because they are on the boarder line of a body image obsession. There is no way I’d turn down a burger for a salad unless I actually wanted the salad instead! It also isn’t good to push yourself too hard because you’ll burn yourself out. There really is that fine line.

Always ask yourself, “Am I working out and eating healthy for the right reasons or is it because I’m trying to impress someone else and am trying to fit into that “ideal perfect image of the perfect woman”? And never EVER skip meals or only eat a small amount of food if you’re trying to crash diet.. that’s definitely not healthy and not a smart idea at all.

Just some food for thought! For those of you out there facing eating disorders and body image problems, I know they’re hard to overcome but you can do it! Find some support with friends and family and they’ll help you find the good reasons to want to live an active and healthy lifestyle. Otherwise check out those amazing Dove commercials that focus on real women and their real body types. As long as you’re comfortable in your own skin, you’ll live a fantastic life!

xoxo Jackie

Miss Wisconsin USA 2014

Miss Wisconsin USA 2014

I can’t believe that the Miss Wisconsin USA competition is just a little bit over two months away! It seems like just last yesterday I was competing on that stage… I am more ready than ever to take the state competition by storm this year!

This year has been dedicated to discovering who I am, what I am capable of, and growing into the person that I want to be. I have taken a lot of time this year to do more community service projects (such as Cinderella Project MKE and helping underprivledged girls find prom dresses) and in donating time and energy to worthy causes such as Pencils of Promise. Becoming the next Miss Wisconsin USA would allow my platform of community service to branch outwards even more so, so I would be beyond excited to have that opportunity!!

These last ten months have also been devoted to a healthier lifestyle in which I try to be more active and have healthier eating habits. Boy, has that been the hardest part! Last year before competition, I weighed about 150 pounds, ran maybe two or three times a week for a total of five miles each week. I would also do some cardio for maybe 20 minutes a week. I was fairly happy with where I was at a size 6. Walking into competition really opened my eyes and perspective into how the other pageant girls have prepared. Last year I had merely two months to prepare for the state competition (as I had only first found out I was chosen in July… I competed in September). It wasn’t enough time to even fathom that some of these girls have been competing in this level for many years in a row… with perfectly bronzed bodies, lean muscles, and the perfect hair, makeup, and wardrobe. I learned a lot at the competition last year that I have taken to heart for this year… without losing who I truly am in the midst of it all. Last year I had the mindset that I would change the perception of beauty pageants… that a girl with my stature could win the crown or even make the top 15. I never realized that although the judges look for personal appearance, it also comes to a large portion being how you are in interview. I don’t think that the two months prior to me competing was enough time to harness those professional interview skills (although I thought I did a great job at the portion of competition). It was also not enough time to get myself into the shape I had hoped for, but I went out on that stage and gave it my absolute all. I thought I rocked my interview, my swimsuit, and my evening gown competitions. But when it came to calling the top 15 girls, my name was not chosen. Was I sad? Slightly. Was I disappointed? A little. Did I regret competing? NOT AT ALL. It was an amazing experience that I will absolutely never forget… it taught me a lot about maturity, finding myself, treating my body like a temple for God, and confidence. The moment I stepped off of that stage last year I knew that I would have to compete again… and that is exactly what I will be doing again this September!

Like I said, last year I have minimal time to prepare for the pageant… this year I will have the full 12 months. It has definitely made a difference! I have all of my wardrobe materials picked out already several months ago (one less stress!)… I have also devoted much of my time to working out in my free time and making sure I balance it with a healthier diet. I’m not a “I NEED TO BE THIN” kind of girl… I rather just enjoy the feeling that I get after a good workout and feeling better about myself that I am in shape. I am currently down a solid 15 pounds from last year’s competition (GO ME!) and at a size 4 or now small or medium in most clothes (again, go me!). It feels so much better to feel good about myself… I just hope this all translates out well when I am on stage during competition. I will continue to manage my health and exercise for the next two months to ensure that I am competition ready. This does not mean starving myself… that is ridiculous! It just means cutting back on sweets (I have a major sweet tooth!) and trading junk food for fruits and veggies. It is hard to get started, but once you do you definitely can put your mind to it and eat more healthy foods without feeling like you are still hungry!

Thank you to my lovely friend Gabe Stejskal for providing me with such pretty photos to choose from for a headshot photo in the program book… the photo I chose is the one displayed in this post. He is completely talented and I cannot wait for him to do my hair at the Miss Wisconsin USA competition this year! With such little notice last year, I could not find anyone to do my hair or my makeup. This year I have followed a lot of youtube tutorials on how to do hair and makeup and definitely feel more comfortable. I am excited to rock it in September!

If any ladies out there are curious about competing in the Miss Wisconsin USA pageant or other state systems, please ask! I would be happy to help answer any questions. It is a truly humbling experience that will in fact teach you about confidence and finding your true beauty. It gives you that “runner’s high” that you can only experience after competing on stage. I’ve never been one for the limelight, but it sure was AMAZING!

Remember, no matter what, you’re all beautiful 🙂

xoxo Jackie

Interview Outfit

Interview Outfit

It’s been WAY too long since I have last blogged! My trip to Vegas was simply amazing and something that I will never forget. Then it was back to the real world… filled with working, jury duty, and job interviews. This post is about my interview outfit that I just purchased for two teaching interviews that I already had this week.

My first interview was for a fourth grade position at Arkansaw Elementary School near Durand, Wisconsin. I was already in Eau Claire and had not packed an interview outfit in my luggage so I quickly ran to the mall and bought a new one… on quite a budget! I also wore this same outfit for today’s interview down in Mazomanie, Wisconsin… again, for a fourth grade opening for next year.

The reason that I love this outfit so much is because it fits like a glove, has great color, and is very much sophisticated without looking too stuffy. Split peplum is very much in right now, so it was another bonus!

I picked up this royal and aqua blue split peplum dress from Forever21 in the Mall of America. The cost?? ONLY $24.80! Check out the following link if you are interested in purchasing it yourself. For such a steal, I would definitely recommend it!

The shoes are compliments of another quick trip to the mall to Payless. They cost $19.99 but I also had a 25% off coupon, so it was even cheaper for me. Here is the link for purchasing those… another note: They are the comfiest heels I have ever owned!

The earrings are also courtesy of Payless. The silver complimented the outfit and did not distract from my face, as it is important to remember to not wear distracting jewelry. They cost $7.99 but I also had another 25% discount coupon, so it was again even cheaper for me!

There you have it! This outfit is comfortable, will make you feel confident, and is very much affordable! 🙂

xoxo Jackie

If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.

If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you.

Just another piece of wisdom and advice from me!

Life has many ups and downs. It has high roads and low roads. The paths less taken or those well-traveled.

I’m here to say that this quote is 100% true because we only find ourselves when we push ourselves. If life came easy, we would not appreciate it nearly as much as we do when we are being challenged to persevere and move onwards. We build character in strength in those tough times. If life were easy, then what would be the point? God has a point in throwing hurdles at us… to see how we react, how we grow, what other great things were are capable of.

So, go out and do things that CHALLENGE you. Do something you’ve never done before. Do something that scares you and is adventurous. In the moments that you are challenged, you are changing. Life is all about pushing yourself to see what you are capable of!!

For example, I’m in the process of finding a teaching position for next year. The process is CHALLENGING but it is changing me because it’s teaching me patience and perseverance. Another thing is that I’m competing at Miss Wisconsin USA again this September. Talk about a CHALLENGE, both physically and mentally. It’s a lot to prepare for! It is definitely not easy, but it is changing me for the better in both enhancing my confidence and finding who I am.

I hope you can find some challenges that will change you for the better. We all face them throughout our lives, so don’t let them take you down but rather build you up!

xoxo Jackie



Stumbled across this quote while I was winding down from a long and exciting day with my family. It hits everything right on the head and offers a great perspective to life!

There are always days in our lives where we don’t think we’re happy enough, but it is our job to remember to be thankful for what we have. What follows is pure joy and happiness. I was reminded of that today when I was at my nephew’s 8th birthday party. I was surrounded by my loving family: my sisters, 5 nephews, parents, grandma… everyone who is loving and supporting and truly cares for me. I would not trade my family for a single second! Especially my nephews… they remind me to relax, unwind, be a kid again… giggle, laugh, let my hair down, don’t stress about the future because God has a plan. When I spend time with them playing in the backyard or throwing my 2 year old nephew into the air as he giggles uncontrollably, I find my happiness.

What’s your happiness? Recognize that you also have a truly wonderful life… embrace the positives and forget the things that drag you down. Go ahead: let your hair down, kick off your shoes, take a step back from life and examine what a blessing your life is.

xoxo Jackie

Rembrandt 2-Hour Whitening System

Rembrandt 2-Hour Whitening System

Hey, followers! I have a photoshoot coming up on Saturday and needed to get whiter teeth FAST! And I also have a budget, so I couldn’t afford Crest Whitestrips. Here is my review on the Rembrandt Whitening System 🙂

This kit was under $20 (score!). It comes complete with two mouth trays (one for the top and one for the bottom teeth). It also comes with 8 small tubes of whitening gel. The steps are simple: open a small tube, squeeze the contents into the tray (it says to use one tube for each tray, but it can easily be placed into both, just with less gel) and then fit into your mouth.

The next step is to wait 20 minutes… then take a 10 minute break (rinsing the mouth pieces in between). And then to continue this process up to four times to get white teeth. I only did three 20-minute treatments but I noticed just how much WHITER my smile is! I LOVE IT!

I am giving this product 5 out of 5 stars simply because it was VERY affordable, a comfortable whitening system (didn’t taste bad because it all stays contained into the trays), and it was a fast and easy way to whiten my teeth. I definitely recommend you trying it out! Inside the package also is a $2 off coupon for purchasing any whitening treatments in the future… I definitely will be using that.

Happy Friday!

xoxo Jackie

Review of Victoria’s Secret Lip Primer and Definer

Review of Victoria's Secret Lip Primer and Definer

Hey, bloggers! As most of you know, I love buying new beauty products and testing them out. This one I purchased simply because I had a $10 Secret Rewards card to VS… the lip primer itself is $12, but I believe well-worth it!

Just to start off, I would give this product a 5 out of 5 stars! I am absolutely in love with it!

I normally do not prime my lips before applying lipstick or lip gloss, and I notice that they dry out FAST. So, I found this while searching for something cheaper at VS and thought I’d give it a try… boy, am I happy that I did! Not only does it go on very smoothly (it’s a lip crayon with a moisturizing base) but it stays put for hours. Usually I would have to reapply my lip stick once every hour or so. With this on my lips, my lip stick stayed moisturized and on my lips (didn’t bleed, even if I didn’t have a lip liner on!). My lips felt healthier, more kissable, and it definitely helped the color to pop even more on my lips! In this photo I am wearing a Mary Kay gloss that I tried several weeks ago (Pink Pagoda new Lip Lacquer). I noticed that without the primer and definer this color disappeared into my lips. Now, in this photo you can definitely see the pink pop out more than it did before.

For those of you looking for a new beauty product that is reasonably priced, I would highly recommend this! I will never go back to the days of dry lip-sticked lips… plus, this stick will more than likely last forever (you need very little for each application).

Once again, you can pick this Lip Primer and Definer up at your local Victoria’s Secret for $12. I love some of their other makeup products that they offer, but still have yet to purchase many (for the simple fact that they are more pricey). But like I say for most items, you get the quality in what you purchase… so I would say that a $12 lip primer is definitely a perfect investment for that perfect day-to-day or even date night look.

xoxo Jackie

Essie No Place Like Chrome Nailpolish Review

Essie No Place Like Chrome Nailpolish Review

Hey, all! About a week and a half ago I told you that I’d have another review coming up shortly about a different Essie Nailpolish color… here it is!

The color that I purchased from Kohl’s is called No Place Like Chrome. Just like the Penny Talk review that I posted not too long ago, this nailpolish is a great quality for about $8 (depending on where you can find it). I usually go for the cheaper $3 bottles of different brands, but Essie is so much nicer than those! I notice that this Essie polish coats evenly and entirely with just one coat. That’s why I love it so much!

I’d give this nail polish another 5 out of 5 stars. The only thing that I’d recommend is that you buff your nails and smooth them before applying because it looks the best when there are no bumps or rough surfaces on the nail. In person, the nails definitely look closer to silver but they give off a nice shine which I enjoy. In the photo it looks almost like a mirror, and this is why I enjoy it so much! I’ve owned other silver nail polishes and they just fell flat… dull sparkle, looked like I got trapped at a kid’s paint table. But Essie No Place Like Chrome has a great sheen and you’ll tell the difference once you purchase it and try it out yourself.

Happy weekend, everyone!

xoxo Jackie